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Company name企業名
Business overview概要・事業内容
Nipro business has focused on the QOL of the patient's life, paying close attention to every suggestion raised by patients and medical practitioners. This idea comes from one of Nipro business policies “patients’ point of view”.
Nipro has been contributing to the society by providing the“Trinity” products, a “drug-filled medical glass syringe”, for example. It is a very unique high bride product that brings together a drug, a glass syringe, and an injection needle (drug filled glass syringe needle all integrated), ready for use.
Nipro runs large-scale production on a global level: 1) Medical disposables production, 2) Pharmaceutical products production, and 3) Medical Glass packaging material production.
Nipro brings about world class high-tech production, but we need your fresh sense of imagination and good heart!
Nipro needs your help! Join us for the world population.
Sales rate of the Company
outside Japan海外売上比率
Number of Offices
outside Japan拠点
Headquarters: Osaka, Japan
Production Facilities:
Japan: Throughout each region in Japan, includes Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya
Globally: Europe, America, and centralized in Asia with a total of 55 countries
List of Offices outside Japan海外拠点数及び一覧 148
Rate of Foreigners in the
Japanese Headquarters office日本本社 外国人比率
Rate of Japanese Staffs with the
experience of studying abroad日本人社員の留学経験者比率
Company's average
TOEIC scoreTOEIC平均スコア
English HP英語ホームページ https://www.nipro.co.jp/en/
Phone number電話番号
Official web site