Business overview概要・事業内容 |
CAC Corporation as of April 1st, 2014, changed from the being the controlling company that overseas the various group companies, and now is a group company instead. CAC Holdings which was recently established as of April 1st, is now the controlling company that overseas the group companies.
Although we reestablished our company CAC, we have been around since August of 1966 and are known as the 1st independent software development company in Japan. Here at CAC we specialize in working with companies in industries such as in Finance, Pharmaceuticals, and many others. We not only deal with companies in Japan but also strive to expand our global network.
We are a total solutions company we are involved in all aspects of the the system design phase. Starting from the initial sales call, designing/planning phase, programming. testing, and maintance.
As an employee you will could have a chance to be involved in all aspects of this phase so you won't be stuck doing the same job but have a chance to experienc a variety of projects and work in your career at CAC.
Come and see what we are all about, we have 18 different countries represented at CAC with over 50 internatinal employees with over half them joining in the last few years! CACは1966年に日本初の独立系ソフトウェア開発企業として設立されました。以来、「独立・中立」「元請」という立場で、「お客様の企業価値向上」を目指したITソリューションを提供している企業です。ITやお客様の業務知識などを磨き、主に「金融」「医薬」の分野に特化。また技術の変革はもちろんのこと、近年はビジネスのGlobal化が急速に進む状況をふまえ、人材の多様化にも意欲的に取り組んでいます。
※株式会社シーエーシーは、2014年4月1日をもって純粋持株会社「株式会社CAC Holdings」と事業会社「株式会社シーエーシー」とに会社を分割し、持株会社体制に移行いたしました。
詳しくは後段をご覧ください。 |