Business overview概要・事業内容 |
Since the founding of our company in 1918, we have been carrying out all of our business activities following our management philosophy which commits us to making a contribution to improving the lives of people and to the further progress of society throughout the world, and we have been providing a wide range of electronics products related to our daily lives.
"Shifting to a sustainable society" has become a matter of great concern to people and "Green Revolution" is rising all around the world, against the backdrop of such things as deteriorating global environmental conditions, worries about the depletion of resources and the rapid growth of emerging countries.
Under these circumstances, the Panasonic Group aim to become the No.1 Green Innovation Company in the Electronics Industry in 2018, the 100th anniversary of our founding, through making the "environment" central to all of our business activities and striving to integrate our environmental contribution and business growth. 1918年の創業以来、パナソニックは、世界中の皆さまのくらしの向上と社会の発展に貢献するという経営理念を全ての活動の指針として事業を進め、くらしに関連したエレクトロニクス事業の領域で幅広く商品を展開してまいりました。今、地球環境問題の深刻化、資源枯渇の懸念、新興国の急成長などを背景に、「持続可能な社会への転換」が全世界共通の大きな課題となっており、世界中で「グリーン革命」が起こりつつあります。こうした中、パナソニックグループは全事業活動の基軸に「環境」をおき、環境貢献と事業成長の一体化を図っていくことで、創業100周年を迎える2018年エレクトロニクスNO.1の「環境革新企業」となることを目指してまいります。 |
Number of Offices outside Japan拠点 |
Japan, China&Northeast Asia, Asia Oceania,The middle East&Africa, Europe&CIS, North America, Latin America 日本、中国・北東アジア、アジア・中近東、欧州・CIS、北米、中南米 |