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Expand your Global Career Opportunity!

English Career Fair On Your Campus

English Career Fair is the ONLY event in Kansai held ALL IN ENGLISH!
All participating companies are seeking to hire students like international students and bilingual English speakers!!
They will present their company information and their recruiting information in English.


We apologize for the mistake in the information that we provided you. Please check the correct dates here.https://www.worldstage.jp/w/news/news.50.html

Past Participant Companies


Click on the dates and access to the registration form.


Q: Do I need to register in advance?
A: Yes, please register to each event from the “Join” button or from here.
Q: The registration form does not work.
A: Sorry for the inconvenience. Please try from here.
Q:What should I wear to the event? Is there a dress code?
A: You don’t have to wear formal attire, but just come in casual clothes.
Q:自分の英語のレベルが十分かどうかわかりません。 I don’t know if my English level is good enough to participate in.
A: バイリンガル・ネイティブレベルじゃなくてももちろん参加可能です!また、同日開催のUNIVERSAL CAREER PARTYは日本語メインのイベントです。こちらにも是非ご参加ください。Universal Career Party is held at the same dates which is mainly held in Japanese. Please check the information from here.

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